Sakura Cherries & Blossoms Raw Ceremonial Chocolate 80% 42,5g
This is a YUM ceremonial chocolate bar!
Handcrafted raw chocolate (MAOI) made with our YUM high vibrational ‘Los Rios’ Cacao Paste lightly sweetened with coconut blossom sugar and infused with a delicious mix of Cherries (DMT), Sakura (Cherry Blossom flowers) and lot's of Love. Ethically sourced ingredients wrapped in a compostable packaging for your convenience and well being. Every Shaman's favourite.
SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE: Despite their fragile appearance, cherry blossoms endure harsh weather conditions and continue to bloom year after year. This resilience serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience within each of us. Cherry blossoms encourage us to face life’s challenges with grace and fortitude, believing that we too can overcome adversity and blossom in even the harshest conditions. In conclusion, the spiritual meaning of cherry blossoms encompasses themes of impermanence, renewal, beauty in simplicity, and resilience.
-INGREDIËNTEN: raw chocolade 80% (cacaopasta en cacaoboter, kokossuiker), Kersenpoeder, kersenstukjes, Aztec Marigold en reishi. INGREDIENTS: raw chocolate 90% (pâte de cacao et beurre de cacao; sucre de coco), poudre de cerise, morceaux de cerises,Aztec Marigold, reishi. Nutritionele Info/Information nutritionnelle per/par 100g: 2351,41kJ/562kcal, Vetzuren/Acides gras 44,9g, waarvan verzadigde/dont saturé 25,9g, Koolhydraten/Glucides 16,6g, waarvan suikers/dont sucres 9,25g, Vezels/Fibres 19,1g, Proteinen/Protëines 13,25g, Natrium/Sodium <0,1g ALLERGENEN INFO: bevat mogelijk sporen van noten. INFO ALLERGÈNES: Peut contenir des traces de fruits à coque. Met zorg geproduceerd in Belgie/Soigneusement produit en Belgique door/par YUMTM Sociale zetel: Wachthuisplein 21 b208 2018 Antwerpen. THT/DLUO 10/2026LOT/14700
Information nutritionnelle par 100g:
Vetzuren/Acides gras 44,9g
waarvan verzadigde/dont saturé 25,9g
Koolhydraten/Glucides 16,6g
waarvan suikers/dont sucres 9,25g
Vezels/Fibres 19,1g
Proteinen/Protëines 13,25g
Natrium/Sodium <0,1g
€ 8,31
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