Dark Aztec Marigold Flowers & Reishi Raw Ceremonial Chocolate 90% 42,5g
Handcrafted raw chocolate (MAOI) made with our YUM high vibrational 'Los Rios' Cacao Paste, lightly sweetened with coconut blossom sugar and infused with Aztec Marigold, Reishi, a pinch of nutmeg (DMT) and lot's of Love. Ethically sourced ingredients wrapped in a compostable packaging for your well being and convenience. Every Shaman's favourite!
THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE of Marigold flowers is the support to successfully navigate radical change. Furthermore it helps us to hear what truly is being said. Listening to the still small voice of Divinity within us is crucial for expressing our authentic selves. Marigold offers support in navigating dynamic situations with constant change, allowing us to stay centered and true to ourselves.
- INGREDIËNTEN: raw chocolade 90% cacaopasta en cacaoboter, kokossuiker, Aztec Marigold, vanille, nootmuskaat en reishi. INGREDIENTS: raw chocolate 90% pâte de cacao et beurre de cacao, sucre de coco, Aztec Marigold, vanille, noix de muscade, reishi. Nutritionele Info Information nutritionnelle per/par 100g: 2351,41kJ/562kcal, Vetzuren/Acides gras 44,9g, waarvan verzadigde/dont saturé 25,9g, Koolhydraten/Glucides 16,6g, waarvan suikers/dont sucres 9,25g, Vezels/Fibres 19,1g, Proteinen/Protëines 13,25g, Natrium/Sodium <0,1g ALLERGENEN INFO: bevat mogelijk sporen van noten. INFO ALLERGÈNES: Peut contenir des traces de fruits à coque. Met zorg geproduceerd in Belgie/Soigneusement recoltés et transformés en Belgique door/par YUM TM Sociale zetel: Wachthuisplein 21 b208 2018 Antwerpen
Al onze producten worden geteeld, geoogst en verwerkt zonder gebruik van kunstmatige meststoffen of pesticides en bevatten geen lactose, kleur, smaak of bewaarstoffen.
Information nutritionnelle par 100g:
Vetzuren/Acides gras 44,9g
waarvan verzadigde/dont saturé 25,9g
Koolhydraten/Glucides 16,6g
waarvan suikers/dont sucres 9,25g
Vezels/Fibres 19,1g
Proteinen/Protëines 13,25g
Natrium/Sodium <0,1g
€ 8,31
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